You can see pictures of some of the many awesome corals we have had in stock, as well as some of our beautiful fish as well!
Below is a shot of two of our many acroporas.
Every week, we get a lot of healthy, robust sponges. We also get a lot of vibrant LPS and zoanthids (halloween zoas in 3rd pic)!
Some more shots of coral. Left to right: A blue acro, pink montipora frag, electric blue zoas and an XXL xenia!
Here are some of the cool fish we have had. The first shot was a purple rhinopias (only $399.99!), french angel, XL volitan lion, and a pair of square anthias.
Our large Queen angel, as well as some ORA coral frags (the third frag is a red planet!)
Left to right: Red micromussa, candy red acan, red open brain, green staghorn.
Left to right: Neon green heliofungia plate, green sinularia, blue xenia.
More pictures to come...