We received both saltwater and freshwater shipments today. Since the freshwater arrived late, I did not get to snap any shots of them. However, we got in some really nice African peacock cichlids from Lake Malawi, purple parrots, clown loaches, assorted mollies and fancy guppies, silver arrowanas, and rummy nose tetras.
In the saltwater order, we finally got cleaner shrimp and fire shrimp back in stock. We also got that awesome angler that you see to the right. He was so large that he just had to go into the show tank with our Japanese Dragon Eel. This angler is easily the size of a small football. On top of that, we got:
-gold rim and powder brown tangs ($39.99 & $49.99)
-convict tangs ($24.99)
-scopas tangs ($14.99)
-blonde naso tang ($99.99)
-kole tangs ($34.99)
-thick/well-fed lawn mower blennies! ($14.99)
-fancy purple anthias ($24.99 or 3 for $59.99)
-blue eye squamipinnis anthias ($24.99)
-valentini puffers ($14.99)
-large niger triggers ($29.99)
-medium porcupine puffer ($59.99)
-large magnificient foxface ($149.99)
-multi-color Hawaiin stone fish ($79.99)
And much more....

1 comment:
Chriscolt from NJ Reefers
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