Though we had shorter hours to celebrate Memorial Day, we still got an awesome saltwater fish shipment in yesterday. The shipment included:
-many different types of angels (Coral Beauties, flames, half blacks, midnight, rusty, Lamarck, and even a Potter's).
-Pink tiger anthias - 18.99
-purple queen anthias - 16.99
-baby maroon clowns - 24.99
-red honey chromis - 6.99
-rainfordi goby - 17.99
-a fu man chu lion - 59.99
-blue eye flame cardinals - 15.99
-banggai cardinal - 15.99
-small and large clown triggers - 44.99 and 99.99
-a tiny vlamingi tang - 29.99
-medium hippo tangs - 49.99
- medium powder brown tangs - 39.99
-six line wrasses - 15.99
-a green pencil wrasse - 29.99
-a blue spotted sting ray - 109.99
-a large harelquin tusk - 119.99
-purple, neon velvet, and lettuce nudibranchs - 12.99, 14.99, 19.99
-nassarius snails - 2.49
-nerite, cerith, and large mexican turbo snails - .89, .89, 1.99
-an exquisite lime green general starfish - 39.99
-sand sifting stars - 14.99
-blue linckias - 19.99
-green bubble anemones (large) - 59.99
-branching frogspawn - 59.99
-wall and branching hammers - 69.99, 59.99
-elegance coral - 49.99
-yellow polyps - 14.99
-neon green caulestrea - 49.99
-many different types of angels (Coral Beauties, flames, half blacks, midnight, rusty, Lamarck, and even a Potter's).
-Pink tiger anthias - 18.99
-purple queen anthias - 16.99
-baby maroon clowns - 24.99

-red honey chromis - 6.99
-rainfordi goby - 17.99
-a fu man chu lion - 59.99
-blue eye flame cardinals - 15.99
-banggai cardinal - 15.99
-small and large clown triggers - 44.99 and 99.99
-a tiny vlamingi tang - 29.99
-medium hippo tangs - 49.99
- medium powder brown tangs - 39.99

-six line wrasses - 15.99
-a green pencil wrasse - 29.99
-a blue spotted sting ray - 109.99
-a large harelquin tusk - 119.99
-purple, neon velvet, and lettuce nudibranchs - 12.99, 14.99, 19.99
-nassarius snails - 2.49

-nerite, cerith, and large mexican turbo snails - .89, .89, 1.99
-an exquisite lime green general starfish - 39.99
-sand sifting stars - 14.99
-blue linckias - 19.99
-green bubble anemones (large) - 59.99
-branching frogspawn - 59.99

-wall and branching hammers - 69.99, 59.99
-elegance coral - 49.99
-yellow polyps - 14.99
-neon green caulestrea - 49.99

And so much more!! If there was anything you were looking for, just give us a call!
Many more pictures to come....
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